Mobile Units: Alias: solo exibition at Postmasters Gallery 2000

Mobile Unit No. 1, 2000, sculpture on wheels with leash, antennas, forks and wire, magic 8ball, swirling red light controlled by button, 12V battery

Mobile Unit No. 2, 2000, sculpture on wheels with leash, timer, camera parts, thermometer

Mobile Unit No. 4, 2000, sculpture "office buddy" on wheels with leash, antennas, reuseable coffee mug, expired roll of 33¢ stamps, thermometer, rose quartz for protection against radiation exposure
Mobile Units No. 1 - 3 were commissioned by O.K Center for Contemporary Art in Linz, Austria for the installation Temporary Housing for the Despondent Virtual Citizen. Mobile Unit No. 4 was created during a World Views residency in the World Trade Center. These images are from a solo exhibition at Postmasters Gallery in New York.